Wednesday, January 27, 2016


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts." -C.S. Lewis

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

"Once you stop learning, you start dying." -Albert Einstein

"Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be." -Rita Pierson (She is a retired educator who did "Ted Talks Education" I strongly encourage looking up the video, it is inspiring.)

Connection. That's what education is all about to me. It is a connection to each other, to the outside world, to ourselves (meaning we learn more about who we are), and to the Lord. 

Chapter 5 in our text is titled "Connecting Learners Using Web 2.0 tools" it discusses cyberlearning literacy, and web tools: onine audio and video, collaboration websites (social networking, wikis, and data mashups), mobile broadband, security, student interactions, and the advantages and limitations of using web tools in the classroom. 

After reading the text I think that cyberlearning opportunities provide ways to expand learning and make all kinds of different connections. Using Web 2.0 tools enhance learning and expand the classroom to the whole world; making resources not limited to the classroom. Using the internet and technology makes the entire world a classroom, providing students with experiences that they would not have in the traditional classroom. 

Connections are readily available for students in the classroom, especially with the use of technology. The quotes that I used at the beginning of this post were the result of my mind wandering and pondering on the topic of what education is to me and what it means to be an educator. I think there is a valuable connection between student and teacher (or there can be), a priceless connection available between a child and the world, and necessary connections between the students. I think education is priceless. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


"Inductive, inquiry approach fosters a deeper understanding of the content."
I think that using discovery as a way of teaching/ learning could potentially be one of the most effective ways of driving home a concept (for lack of a better term).

Characteristics of discovery are: scientific method, guidance necessary, and scaffolding. 

Advantages are: 
  • Engaging
  • Repeated Steps 
  • And Student Control

Limitations are:
  • Time-factor
  • Preparation is critical
  • misunderstanding
It is possible to integrate technology using digital tools such as cameras, GPS, and videos.

I think once you give a child the chance to discover things then you give them the power over their learning. I know that as a young student when I had the chance to dive into something and get my hands dirty more often than not I was more secure in a concept than if I had simply been lectured said concept. I think that when necessary discovery should be guided (with a student with a learning disability, or a student who is not capable of manipulating the tools used); however, I think each child should have the chance to invest in their own education through discovery. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Technology and Learning

Does the use of technology in the classroom actually increase student learning?

I think that the answer to this question can be a bit subjective. The use of technology does make "the world" accessible in an instant. However, technology can be distracting. I do know for a fact that if the use of technology in the classroom in not monitored carefully it can easily take away from the learning environment, not only for the child on the technology, but for their peers as well.

From my own personal experience, I find that carefully monitored use of technology can be helpful and beneficial in the classroom. As a child growing up there were not nearly as many technological options as there are today. Now that I am an "adult" and in college, I have found that technology is very helpful for my studies, I can research so much in an instant, I can collaborate with others to help with my lesson plans, and I have found so many neat and creative things to put into my lesson plans that use technology; things that just bring the lesson to life so much more.

There are my ponderings on the topic of technology being beneficial to a child's learning. I think if it is used appropriately it can be very helpful, it certainly has been beneficial to mine!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Beginning

For the first few months I will use this blog as an educational blog for one of my classes. After the class ends I will decide whether or not I am going to continue the blog. So to start here is a little bit about me: 

My name is Melynda and I am twenty one years old. I am an elementary education major and a missions minor. I would love to teach abroad but the calling I am currently feeling on my life is to start an orphanage in Honduras! I love traveling and learning about other people, cultures, and ways of living. I am a coffee addict and I absolutely love owls and elephants. I have been to Mexico multiple times and Cambodia once. I have a long list of places I want to go and things I would love to experience. My family means the world to me and they are my closest friends. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey that is my education and my life! I hope you enjoy reading this blog! 
