Sunday, October 2, 2016

Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

I am writing this letter to you with a broken heart. I recently got out of a relationship with a person who I thought was supposed to be my forever. I guess you are still out there somewhere. If I am being honest, I sometimes wonder if you exist. Some people treat me like I am silly for having that thought but in the midst of heart break it is hard to push those thoughts away. There are some things that I think you should know.

The standards have been set high. I let my standards fall and I got my heart broken. Not only in romantic relationships but in friendships as well. Now, don't get me wrong. I think that every person that has come into my life has played a huge part in who I am and they have played important parts in my life. They have either been critical to that specific time of my life or they have been a lesson. All that said, the bar has been raised. Not only by learning from my experiences but by the example and expectations set by my father. My dad loves my mom and us girls so much. He showed me that I deserve to be treated like a princess. I hope you realize that too, no, scratch that. I know that if you are the man for me then you will be the guy that treats me like the royalty that I am. I am a valuable daughter of the One True King and I know that you will see that too. I am done letting other people get by with not valuing me and not seeing my worth. I am so excited for you, to have a man that sees how much I am worth and treats me accordingly.

I am praying for you. Before my last relationship I had started writing letters to you, I stopped when I started dating. I wish that I had not stopped because maybe those letters would have been a reminder to me of what kind of person I am waiting for. I have so many hopes for you. I adore you already. I love you. Thank you for loving me for the crazy mess of a person that I am. You are a trooper. Just know, I will love you with everything that I am. I already do. I pray that God is putting the right people in your life that will encourage you and support you and love on you until we come together. I am already cheering in your corner. Any obstacles you may face, I am supporting you in prayer already.

I am so excited to do life with you. I dream about what our life together will be like and where God will take us. I know that whatever comes our way we will face it together. I am comforted by that thought. I am comforted by the thought that you are out there, anxious for the day that we meet. Me too honey. I think about you and pray for you often. Please, be brave, be safe, take care of yourself, trust in the Lord always.

I hope that I see you soon darling, and until then, I will be praying for you. I will hopefully start writing more letters for you, no promises though.

I love you,